Cheetah Hunt

While riding Cheetah Hunt, guests can see many remains of the former Rhino Rally ride.  At the mid-way section of the coaster, its track snakes through several canyons of man-made rock constructed for the old ride.  The building that housed the water pumps for the river portion of the old safari ride is still standing very close to the new coaster.  A few other structures, the largest of which is an old overturned bridge, are still in the area.  Unfortunately for me, the area around the defunct Rhino Rally ride is closed to guests, so I was unable to photograph this section of the coaster.

The blue bands around some of the supports were used to hold up decorative banners.  When I took this picture, only one banner remained on the tower.

Rhino Rally water ride at Busch Gardens Tampa - defunct theme park rides

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©2021 by Joel A. Rogers.